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Monthly Archives: January 2013

This image was taken in Havana in 2011. I really liked the way the boy had a slight amount of motion blur (see the original image below) and I wanted to create a feeling of his escaping from the frame. After some experimentation, I decide to try to create a feeling of ‘disaster’ by moving […]

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    This was taken in Edinburgh. I noticed the interesting passageway with people walking up and down it regularly. I thought I could get an interesting image so I crouched at the end and took a number of shots – no-one seemed to mind and one woman commented that this was the sort of […]

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  I try hard to get a sense of a story in my images. Not to spell it out but to make people wonder what the story is and let them interpret it as they will. In this case, I suspect there is no connection between the two people. It is a candid shot taken […]

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This was taken at Paddington Station in London in 2007. I wanted to capture the contrast between the stationary train and woman, and the moving figures. So, I rested my Nikon D70 on the rail of the bridge I was standing on and shot the image using 70-300mm lens at 145mm, 2.5s at f/8. It […]

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Welcome to my blog. I have been intending to start a photography blog for some time but I have resisted the temptation until I felt I had time to post regularly. The beginning of 2013 seemed to be a very suitable time to start. A new year and, hopefully, a very rewarding one in terms […]

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