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David F Cooke FRPS EFIAP

David lives in Bristol in the South West of England and, like many photographers, he has been interested in photography since he was at school. His father was a keen photographer and so he had access to a small darkroom at home. He was very active at school as a photographer, taking most of the images for the school magazine and later, at Leeds University, he worked on the weekly student newspaper, firstly as Pictures Editor and later as Features Editor and then Assistant Editor.

After graduating and subsequently getting his PhD in combustion engineering, he worked in industry and local government before becoming an academic at the UK Open University. During this time, photography took a back seat until he was given a Nikon D70 for his birthday in 2006 – and the love of making images was rekindled.

He joined the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) in the same year and was awarded the distinction of Licentiate of the Society on 28th February 2008. On 16th June 2009, he was awarded the further RPS distinction of Associate of the Society in Visual Art. In March 2011 he was awarded an AFIAP (Artiste International Federation of Photographic Art) and on 3rd June 2013 he received an EFIAP (Excellence International Federation of Photographic Art).  He gained a Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS) in Visual Art in May 2015. The FRPS is the highest distinction the Society awards.

David retired from full time employment with the Open University in 2010 and is now free to concentrate more on his photography.

He uses a Nikon Z 6II, with Nikkor 24 to 200 mm and Nikkor 14 to 30 mm lenses . His photographic interests are wide-ranging but his main interest is in photographing people in their environment.

He was a Trustee and member of the Council of the Royal Photographic Society (2012-2017) and Chair of the RPS Education Committee (2013-2015). He Chaired the RPS Digital Imaging Group (2011-2014) and was editor of the Group’s quarterly magazine, ‘DIGIT’ (2010-2014) as well at the RPS Visual Art Group magazine ‘Visual Art’ (2010-2016)




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